Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why keeping a landline phone is a good idea

I just read this article in Readers Digest about landlines. Given that we live in an area with the potential for tornadoes and blizzards, I don't think we'll be getting rid of our landline.Something to keep in mind if you only have a cell phone.


  1. It's also a good idea to keep one of those inexpensive phones that do not need power to use. We don't have tornadoes here but the wind can knock out power and having my inexpensive 15-year-old phone plugged in is nice when the electric is out.

    1. I thought of that after posting it. the cordless ones hold a charge for awhile, but do they work without the base? We have an old wall phone for just this purpose.

  2. Mobile is a wireless electronic tool used for telephone and multimedia communications. It is a communication network that does not involve cable or wire connection between two entities. These are really nice tips. Thank you for sharing. I think it would be helpful to all. Keep it up
    Business Landlines


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