Brady is so proud of himself and he can see so clearly how hard work can significantly improve performance. Wow, a great lesson for a 7-year-old.
I've now learned he's struggling with reading, so again she gave me an idea. She made for us this word ring with 60-some sight words, and we practice every night. It's working already. And it is improving Brady's confidence in his reading. I'm really hoping for an uptick in that subject as well.
And after telling him that, "You should improve your handwriting because when you rush through it no one knows what you're trying to say," he's started slowing down and working on that as well. He really wants people to know what he has to say, LOL. You'll notice the writing in the above spelling test is rather careful, very good compared to previous.
He got a perfect 10 on handwriting a couple weeks back after never having that all year either. A workbook like this one is very good for practicing. In Brady's case, he can certainly do it but if it's not his favorite - math - which comes so easy, he tends to get bored and rush through it. The key is getting him to slow down, focus and take care in the work he's doing.
I don't home-school, but we do our fair share of reinforcing his school work with practice at home. It also shows him that I think his learning and his work are very important and it gives us wonderful quality time together. It's hard when you have a busy life and a full-time job and, goodness gracious I can't even imagine, OTHER KIDS! But it is well worth it.

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