During the school year, there is such a hurry-hurry, keep-moving-forward momentum to our days and the pressure of worrying about behavior issues.
But in the summer we just get to "be."
And I always rediscover just how cool my little guy is. To the left here, we are at the latest in a long line of doctors over the years. We changed to one much closer to us and went through the hour-long initial appointment where I explain all our troubles again.
Brady is such a good sport at these, but mostly he loves investigating whatever new toys the new place has. He made a gear assembly he called a "clock" and then stuck a little wooden peg in it so it wouldn't turn. Ha! Little engineer.
He's also been giving the Vulcan symbol and saying, "Live Long and Prosper," to everyone. I just can't believe he really does embrace my love of Star Trek! Yay! It was too much to hope for.

Yesterday he also befriended an adorable 2-year-old girl in Spangles and they shared a booth alone (flanked on either side by her parents and us in other booths, LOL) while they ate and he showed her how to use his Vreader. He has such a kind heart. He tells me he wants to be a teacher and I think he'd be a good one.
And my favorite thing he's said lately as we were on the way to the office to work for the day. I bring his Nintendo DS but he isn't allowed to play it until we're at the office.
I also brought along a backpack with his Vreader, games, calculator, books, pen and paper. I told him during the drive he could pick whatever he wanted out of there or we could just talk.
He didn't miss a beat and said,"I'd want to just talk to you!"
And we did. All 45 minutes of the drive to the office. Those are my favorite times of the summer.
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