Bacon-wrapped grilled dove
Ingredients (one of each of the below for every 2 breast halves):
jalapeno slices
cream cheese in chunks
half strips of bacon
round sharp toothpicks
Italian dressing
Head Country or other seasoning
First, gather your doves :)

Then get a very sharp knife and slowly cut the breast off right at the bone, curving the knife inward toward the bone and starting at the wider end of the breast and sort of slip the meat off.
Put the breasts in a bowl and marinate for at least an hour in Italian dressing mixed with your favorite spices (I used Head Country, of course!), over night if you can.
However many breast pairs you have (I had about 24), cut the same number of thin jalapeno slices, square chunks of cream cheese and half strip of thin bacon.
Then assemble your rolls: lay out a strip of bacon, lay one breast half in the middle crosswise, then add a slice of jalapeno, chunk of cheese and top dove half. Wrap tightly in the bacon and spear the bacon and if possible, both halves of the breast, with the toothpick.
Arrange on a grill and cook them on slow to medium heat until the bacon is done. When the bacon is done, the dove are done. Take care not overcook them or may get a little tough.
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