Wednesday, May 22, 2013

After Oklahoma, little things don't matter....

It's really hard to feel sorry for yourself when you watch the devastation that unfolded in Oklahoma. When someone has lost a child, it's impossible to lament that your own struggles in school sometimes.

What would that parent give to have your struggles? Anything. Anything.

When these things happen, it teaches the rest of us that it can all be taken away in a second. It changes the way we live our lives. Don't squander it. Don't spend time focusing on what's wrong. Just deal with it, pour out love as you do, and know it will all work out.

When all is seemingly smooth in the world, it is so easy to get caught up in the daily battles. To feel as though things are hopeless. To become despondent and frustrated and upset. But this is just a season of our lives and it is a joy and blessing to go through them together.

Our problems today are not the end of the world. In Oklahoma, for some, it was.

It reminds me that I have to love and live like it will all work out in the end, and that today - good or bad or in between - is a gift as long as we are all together and safe.

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